Monday, May 21, 2012

.So Grateful.

Sometimes you just need to get away to appreciate what you have... Me and Utah, we have this love hate relationship thing going on. I love some things about it (mostly just the GORGEOUS mountains, that's it), and I hate a lot of things about it. But sometimes, if we can just get a break from each other, then we get along just great. After two weeks of being away this month, I'm ok with Utah. I can live here (for a little longer at least) :)

Sometimes I get caught up in the stresses of life and the kids and I start getting down each other's throats. But boy did this trip help me learn to appreciate my sweet babies! 

Seriously? What would I do without these kids!?

They drive me nuts sometimes (especially when they gang up on me, like this...)
Team Mass Destruction...

They are capable of so much (in so little time).

But boy, being away for a week helps you realize how much you really have.

So no matter what they do, or how silly they can be...
I am grateful for every moment we have together!

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