Saturday, November 30, 2013

TuRkEy DaY!!

Turkey Day this year was a momentous occasion! It was our first year hosting Thanksgiving dinner. I've always helped cook the holiday meal, but this time it was at our house. We decided to cook a Paleo Thanksgiving Dinner and I think it went well! The big hits were the paleo stuffing and pumpkin pie! We all agreed that even though we filled ourselves full of delicious food, we didn't get that sick feeling that zaps your energy and makes you wanna take a big fat nap to sleep it off. John even said, and I quote, "we should do a paleo meal every year for Thanksgiving." So let it be written, so let it be done!

We all stayed up late playing games, but this little one decided to turn in early. :)

We're BIG fans of the holidays around here. It's just fun to have a reason to celebrate !

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